Bundled information at a glance – this is the basic principle of a landing page. The aim is to focus on just one selected product and thus achieve more conversions.

Land exactly where you were looking for!

After entering a search query, potential customers decide within a few seconds whether a website provides them with the information they are looking for or not. It is therefore all the more important to create concise and attractively designed information pages. Landing pages can be used to communicate target group-optimized content that satisfies the expectations of potential customers. The main aim is to persuade the user to take an action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading something or, of course, making a purchase.

Google Ads + landing page = winning team

A landing page makes particular sense if the advertised product is already being searched for. A combination of Google AdWords ads and an optimally matching landing page therefore promises double the success. Potential customers can access the desired offer with just one click.

Our services

  • Target group analysis
  • Conception
  • Keyword research
  • Layout/Design
  • Picture purchase
  • Text creation
  • Link with Google Ads campaign

Your advantages

  • more Sales
  • more leads
  • Precise target group approach
  • Measurable successes
  • Fast implementation
  • Push Google Ads campaign

Landing pages with onehundred.digital

Appealing, fast, up-to-date – these are landing pages from onehundred.digital. Within a very short time, we will create an individually designed page that puts your product in the right light. Thanks to our experience, we know what potential customers pay attention to and what options can be used to persuade users to take action.


Contact us now!

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