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Social Media Marketing

Online Marketing Agentur Berlin |
Reach and convince target groups with social media marketing. – your social media marketing agency in Berlin

Inform, entertain and inspire with unique social media content! is your creative and experienced Social Media Agency in Berlin. For a long time now, social media platforms have not only been used for a private exchange but have also allowed companies to spread their messages to their target audience.

As a social media agency in Berlin, we ensure that your brand messages are posted on the relevant social networks and that your fans interact with you. This will create long-term customer loyalty and sustainable image enhancement for your company.

Werkstudenteninnen onehundreddigital

Why should you contact a professional social media agency in Berlin?

Many companies wonder whether it is worth investing in a professional social media agency. A social media presence is often considered a must-have nowadays, but it usually remains only a channel that is used casually. When giving the responsibility of your company’s social media presence to an intern or an inexperienced employee, be aware of what you are missing without strategically good social media marketing!

Facebook has around 1.4 billion daily active users worldwide in 2020, of which approximately 32 million are engaged in Germany. If you do not position yourself as a company here and with services such as Google+, Twitter, YouTube, Xing, Instagram, Pinterest & Co., you are giving away the unique opportunity to get in direct contact with potential customers and interested parties. As a social media agency in Berlin, we mediate, where members of your target group exchange ideas. Your company can also present itself there and scatter news about products. Most importantly, you can capture the mood of your target group and react directly to positive or negative feedback.

Our services

  • Concept development
  • Account set up
  • Profile maintenance
  • Production of content
  • Advertising campaigns
  • ReportingKonzeptentwicklung

Your advantages

  • Networking with customers
  • Image care
  • Raising awareness
  • Exchange of information
  • Customer loyalty
  • More traffic
  • More visibility
  • Check your reputation

As a social media agency in Berlin, we love social media because …

Social Media Agentur Berlin  |
Every new post on one of your own social media channels motivates the audience to visit your company’s website. With proper care for your social media channels, they can quickly become the leading suppliers of website traffic.
The marketing industry continues to grow, which challenges consumers with an increasing number of messages and products. Due to the more lavish products’ prospects, more advertising channels are needed to convince potential customers to make a purchase. You can contact your target group at a very high frequency via social media channels.
As a social media agency in Berlin, we know that a personal reputation as a specialist is an excellent advantage in the service sector. You can prove your competence and score high in personal branding, particularly by posting engaging content and answering questions on social media.

As a reputable social media agency in Berlin, we don’t make empty promises. But unfortunately, no one can guarantee you in advance whether a social media campaign will go viral.

Whether a posted video or a post is successful, depends on many factors. And there must also be a little bit of luck. However, the right social media agency can ensure that you deliver exciting content and thus reach your required target group.

Of course, social media takes time, patience and a company-specific strategy. But still, you are likely to invest much less than if you had all of these measures taken offline.

As a social media agency in Berlin, it is particularly important to us to work sustainably and successfully for you. That’s why we rely on social media campaigns whose goals can be measured.

onehundred.digitals Top 6 Social Media Channels:

Personal preferences for social networks vary. With each and every one, both with companies and with customers. All of them are relevant to social media marketing.


Today, Facebook is the original social network for many. Even if many other platforms were developed before that, the social media giant is by far the most successful, and has been since 2004. The numbers are convincing: 2.9 billion users worldwide. Over a third of Germans use Facebook regularly. This is particularly interesting for the 140 million business profiles that these users can reach with advertisements.


With around 700 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is the number 1 platform when it comes to business and job search. No matter whether you are looking for employees or for the professional presentation of your company in the B2B area. The social network for business combines everything.


Instagram is the visual playground when it comes to social media: almost nowhere are images as prominent as here. Besides, there are always new features such as IGTV, stories or shopping opportunities. In addition, Instagram is the main platform for influencers. The possibilities in social media marketing are numerous here!


Information can be found and discussed on Twitter. In a nutshell, the most important information is given here in 280 characters. Especially in the media world and for companies, Twitter is the ultimate social media network.


There is probably no more successful video platform than YouTube. Here your social media marketing campaigns can reach millions of viewers who watch their favorite vlogs, how-to or DIY videos every day. Like Instagram, this is about storytelling. With ads or cooperations, you can reach your target group with digital content.


Even if Pinterest is often forgotten in social media marketing, with very specific topics it can very well attract users with visually appealing images and achieve great success.

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Social Buzz – Search engines reward your activities on social platforms!

The Google ranking factors are and will remain the big secret in search engine optimization,The but one thing is sure: interaction in social media is becoming increasingly important. “Liking” and “Sharing” of content has established itself as a new currency in the digital world and reveals to search engines which content is interesting. As a social media agency in Berlin, we have the experience that the more people talk about your company and products, the better you will be found in the search results.

Social media marketing with – your social media agency in Berlin:

If you want to present a company on social media, it is particularly important to define an overall steady concept and strike the right tone. has gained a certain instinct, that is needed for social media marketing, through many years of experience in this area. We know how to communicate with a tending young target group and how to build a good reputation in the digital world.

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